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Online Learning Journies
When your child starts with Bouncy Bear Childcare we will discuss their current level of learning and development with you. This will help us to determine a benchmark for us to work from when planning for your child’s individual progress.

We continue to record your child’s learning and development through their online interactive Learning Journey. Here is an example of an online profile.

As parents you will be given your own unique username and password which will give you access to your child’s Learning Journey anytime, anywhere. It ensures you are kept up to date instantly with any changes. It also gives you the opportunity to look at your child’s next steps and support them with these.

Carers will upload photographs of your child’s learning and evidence of their work which you can also view through this system. Having access to this information means parents can quickly identify strengths and areas for development.

This information is then readily available for developing the transfer form, with parents, which goes to your child’s new Reception Teacher. The primary schools also follow this curriculum making the transfer process transparent and seamless.


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